Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Let them play

I actually would like to discuss an important topic today.  I recently read an article about local high school football programs having to deal with economic issues and how it impacts their programs, especially their off seasons and camps.  What sparked my interest the most on this article was a few people who posted on the article that schools should just cut all sports and extra curricular activities and focus on their real job which is to teach reading, writing, and math.  Perhaps I am a bit biased as I have coached high school sports, but the comments were quite upsetting.

Now I don't think that sports (or even extra curricular activities) should ever be the top priority of schools, and often times that has been case (especially with football in places like Texas). I do however feel that sports play an important and critical role in the education process.  To me its not always about winning or the sport itself, although I do like to win, but its about the lessons that can be taught.  I am a firm believer that every high school student should be required to be involved in some activity at the school, it doesn't have to be a sport, it could simply be a club that interests them.  For one thing I think they give students a better connection to their school and creates a better sense of community.  What better way to keep students engaged in school and the learning process than having something that they get to participate in that they really enjoy.

Now I have never been a boss or an employer but I can imagine that if you asked them what the necessary attributes that they would like all their employees to have it wouldn't just be that they can read, write, and do math.  How about leadership?  How about the ability to work with their co-workers, perhaps self-confidence, a good work ethic?  These are all things that can taught or at least developed through sports and extra curricular activities. One of the most memorable moments I have had in my coaching career was when an athlete who was graduating gave me a letter that thanked me for helping her to become more confident.  She went on to say that thanks to her time on the cross country team she felt that she could achieve anything that she was willing to work towards.  Not only did I get to watch her develop as an excellent athlete, but she blossomed as an individual.  When she stepped on to the track, she was a quiet, shy, and a little timid.  Four years later she walked off the track confident, outgoing, and a leader.  How different would her life be if she didn't get the opportunity to participate in sports in high school?

Another former athlete of mine demonstrated one of the most intense work ethics I have ever seen went on to create her own company and brand name and is unbelievable successful.  I can assure you that the amount of time and dedication that she put into her sport translated directly to the amount of time and dedication she puts into her company and is why she is so successful today. 

My point is not to brag about my former athletes, although I am happy to do it, its simply to say that the importance of sports cannot be taken for granted.  In the initial comment that I read regarding removing school activities the person mentioned that they were tired of their tax dollars being spent on other people's kids entertainment.  I don't plan on being political on my blog, but our society is in a sad state if tax dollars being invested in the development of our children is a problem. 

I don't know what you think, but I say let them play.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Heartbreak City

Why do I let sports affect me so much?  As I mentioned previously, I tend to get a little excited about sporting events especially when a team I love is involved.  Yesterday's Women's World Cup final was one such event.  Here is the bottom line, I love my country, I love my soccer...and so I love my country's soccer.  I will admit that I don't watch every US women's match, but I follow the team and will watch when I get the chance.  I keep track of what is going on and knew plenty before Ian Darke and Julie Foudy filled in the TV audience during their broadcasts.  My point is that I didn't just jump on the bandwagon in the 122nd minute of the Brazil vs US game.

I was getting a little emotional during the pregame show when they were showing highlights and just talking about what a victory would mean, so you can imagine how I was with every goal during the game. Pumped, angry, elated, crushed...in that order.  Going into the game I never thought it was going to be an easy match, Japan had been playing great.  What made the loss so dificult, was how well the US played.  If the US plays that way in a 100 straight games, we win 99 of them.

When the game finally ended, I literally didn't know what to do with myself.  The wife doesn't like it when I throw things (yes I realize its a little immature, but it makes me feel better).  When I coached and had to deal with such losses I had to console my players or go shake hands with the opposing coach etc so I could focus my emotions on something else until they had a chance to simmer a bit.  When watching the game on TV I had no such alternatives, and for a short while actually paced the kitchen a bit before finally going outside to play catch with the dog.

Why do I take these games so seriously, why so invested?  The truth is that I don't really know, but I know that when my teams do win the big game it makes the heartbreak worth it.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Time to get aboard America.

Ok, first things first.  Soccer is the greatest sport in the world, and there is a reason why the rest of the world loves it so much.  If you watched yesterday's game then you should know why.  Is there anything better than a late goal to win or equalize?  Seriously, one second the Brazilians have put all but the last nail in the coffin of the US World Cup hopes (thanks to a little help from the ref) and the next Wamback is putting a text book perfect header into the back of the net.  Did I mention that there were precious few seconds left in the game at that point?  Amazing.  Its the second straight summer in which last second heroics by an American soccer great has had me screaming, clapping, and on the verge of a few tears.  Hey, I am a passionate fan what can I say?  Few moments in sports get me excited as a great soccer game.  I won't bore you with my list of greatest sports moments, but most of them revolve around the sport of soccer (most as coach of the Pinnacle girls soccer team).   

I saw an article today that wondered whether the US could get behind soccer after yesterday's game, and mentioned that if not now the US may never get behind the sport.  At a time when two of the biggest sports in America are in a lock out, perhaps its time America gets on board and realizes what the rest of the world has known for over a century...soccer or futbol is the greatest sport on pitch.

Whether you've been convinced of the greatness of soccer or you not,  if you are a good American you'll be watching and cheering on the US Women's team for the rest of the tournament...its your civic duty.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Telling it like it is

It's days like today that I love teaching.  Now I have a ton of students that say things that absolutely drive me nuts, but every once in a while I have a student that has some interesting things to say or perspective on a particular topic.  They aren't always discussing history, they are often totally random.  Occasionally what makes the conversation so great is how blunt the student is, just telling it like it is.  Today I had one of those conversations.

While discussing a question regarding a non-aggression pact between Hitler and Stalin pre-WWII my student simply said,  "They are all a-holes."

I suppose she had the decency to censor herself ...a little.  She did follow that up with "sorry" before finishing up the topic with, "Thank god they are all dead."

Who am I to argue with that sort of thinking?  So I agreed with her.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

What's this all about?

I am not a writer.

However, my beautiful wife is and she has inspired me to write as well.  My wife has already done two blogs and they are always funny, witty, and sometimes even thought provoking.  To me its clear that she not only loves to write, but she is an amazing story teller.  Being a history teacher, telling stories is part of my job but I cannot compete with the story telling of my wife. That being said from time to time (largely due to interesting interactions with students), I think that I have a few gems to share.  I only hope is that I can entertain her half as much as she entertains me.

I have no set theme for this blog.  As you may have already concluded, some of my writing will be ridiculous converations with students (their identities protected...of course).  Those that know me, already know that there are times when I feel it necessary to rant about a particular subject, so this may also serve as my vehicle for that as well.  Regardless, I hope that you may find some of my writing even mildly amusing or at least 5 minute break from scouring over Facebook or Twitter.  Who knows, perhaps in the end I may even become a writer.

