Thursday, July 7, 2011

Telling it like it is

It's days like today that I love teaching.  Now I have a ton of students that say things that absolutely drive me nuts, but every once in a while I have a student that has some interesting things to say or perspective on a particular topic.  They aren't always discussing history, they are often totally random.  Occasionally what makes the conversation so great is how blunt the student is, just telling it like it is.  Today I had one of those conversations.

While discussing a question regarding a non-aggression pact between Hitler and Stalin pre-WWII my student simply said,  "They are all a-holes."

I suppose she had the decency to censor herself ...a little.  She did follow that up with "sorry" before finishing up the topic with, "Thank god they are all dead."

Who am I to argue with that sort of thinking?  So I agreed with her.

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